Turning 40 | Birthday Photo Session | Milestone Photos

Happy birthday to me… 

Wow, 40 years ago I was born in Mexico City!!! A big city full of noise and beautiful traditions… I was a very happy and quiet baby girl. I was raised by two amazing parents, (mom & dad) alongside them was my loving grandmother. I am who I am today because of them!

My house was always full of aunts and cousins, we Mexicans love to celebrate everything, I have the most beautiful memories of me and my family celebrating my birthdays, holidays like Christmas (NAVIDAD) are a big thing in my country.

I grew up in a small town ( that today is one of the biggest ) called Queretaro in Central Mexico. I grew up with amazing friends, traveling every weekend with my family to small towns around …. We lived in Queretaro until I finished high school, and then we moved to Mexico City again when I started at a University. I was 17 when I started my Marketing degree and actually at the age of 18 started my real job as a Marketing assistant. But that sounded like another life!!! It’s like talking about my first chapter… then my second chapter probably is half war right now. I got married and moved to Barcelona when my first baby was born. Then we lived in Scotland, England, Portugal & finally we landed here in the US in December of 2013.

Happy birthday to me!!! I will be celebrating for the rest of the month, so don’t worry if I am not around too much these days LOL.

I am 40 and fabulous, living my best life. Running my business, bringing joy to others, and doing what I love. Turning 40 is a time of reflection to take stock of who you are at this time in your life, which includes the values, friendships, jobs, relationships, and thoughts you hold dear. With each new decade, we gain wisdom and power. So, here I am, about to embark on the journey of my fourth decade. I’m certain that 40 isn’t the new 30, and I’m also certain that to reference another commonly uttered cliché, life doesn’t begin at 40 — it just keeps on expanding and giving. Forty, I’m ready for you; let’s do this.

With tons of love,


“Making your moments, unique memories forever…”



Tampa has changed our lives in so many good ways. When we moved to Tampa we moved from London, we trade the rain for the sunny days here… we met so many wonderful people as soon as we arrived, we felt at home immediately.

I have to say we had amazing clients, amazing friends, and amazing colleagues.  Tampa has become our home and we definitely will be around for a while. 

Turning 40 is like the starting of a new chapter in my life. A chapter when my kids are older, at least older enough to travel and ask for the things that they want or need (no more babies for us !!! ). It’s incredible how amazing I feel right now, I think  I am the best moment. I love my job, I have a beautiful family, amazing friends and I live in a very nice city. I am really having a happy celebration of life.

THANK YOU for reading this and for staying around working with me, following me with my crew around on social media, and for referring to us always amazing people to work with.