Fun Branding Session | Realtor Photos | Wall Crawl Tampa

Luaney Aranky Henriquez is a Certified Title Agent and Realtor for American Title Trust. Luaney founded American Title Trust in 2016 with a straightforward goal in mind. Provide the best closing experience most efficiently. She has worked in the industry for over 10 years.

At a point, it is time for branding photos. One of the most important things about a Branding session is to show your brand personality !!

Don’t be afraid to show you and to have fun !!
Everyone wants to see who is behind that brand!

Make a shot list with your photographer. You can add different poses and shots like writing in a notebook, anonymous poses, maybe even a creation process.

Try to create together a Pinterest board to share ideas about posing and locations

Find a location that is accurate with your brand

Include your products if you have one !!


Location: Wall Crawl
